
A polypotentiostat with 4 working electrodes, that makes parallel measuring of multiple electrodes in one electrochemical cell possible.

With this polypotentiostat one electrochemical cell can be equipped with 1, 2, 3 or 4 working electrodes and all of these will be measured parallel. The EmStat3 4WE consists of a standard EmStat3 potentiostat and additionally three bipotentiostat modules, thus all techniques an EmStat3 is capable of are available for the EmStat3 4WE.

The additional WE’s can each individually be used in two different modes:

1. The potential of the additional WE has a constant dc-potential offset with respect to WE1, i.e. it is following the potential change of WE1.

2. The potential of the additional WE has an independent fixed dc-potential.

Each potentiostat has eight current ranges: 1 nA to 10 mA with a resolution of 1 pA at the lowest current range and can automatically select the optimal current range.

A cell can be setup with one reference and one counter electrode or one combined reference and counter electrode.

The current is measured using a zero resistance ammeter (ZRA).

All supported techniques for EmStat3 4WE:

Voltammetric techniques

  • Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV)
  • Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV)
  • Square wave voltammetry (SWV)
  • Normal pulse voltammetry (NPV)
  • Cyclic voltammetry (CV)


These methods can all be used in their stripping modes which are applied for (ultra-) trace



Technique as a function of time:

  • Amperometric detection (AD) (Chronoamperometry)
  • Pulsed amperometric detection (PAD)
  • Multiple pulse amperometry (MPAD)
  • Open circuit potentiometry (OCP)
  • Multistep amperometry (MA)


The additional WE’s can each individually be used in two different modes:

1. The potential of the additional WE has a constant dc-potential offset with respect to WE1
2. The potential of the additional WE has an independent fixed dc-potential

EmStat3 4WE Main potentiostat Polypotentiostat modules
– dc-potential range ± 3.000 V ± 3.000 V
– compliance voltage ± 5 V ± 5 V
– dc-potential resolution 0.1 mV 0.1 mV
– max. dc-offset error 2 mV 3 mV
– potential accuracy 0.2 % 0.2 %
– current ranges 1 nA to 10 mA (8 ranges) 1 nA to 10 mA (8 ranges)
– maximum current ± 20 mA typical and ± 15 mA minimum for the sum of WE1, W2, W3 and W4
– current resolution 0.1% of current range, 1 pA at lowest current range
– electrometer amplifier input > 100 GOhm // 4 pF > 100 GOhm // 4 pF
– rise time approx. 100 μs approx. 100 μs


– dimensions 12 cm x 8.5 cm x 3,5 cm
– weight 250 g
– power 5 V external power supply (included)
– interfacing USB
PC recommendations Windows Vista, 7 and 8 (32 and 64 bit) Dual core processor with 2 GB RAM

The current is measured using a zero resistance ammeter (ZRA).

EmStat, kullanıma hazır düşük maliyetli potansiyostat ihtiyacı olan firmalar için çok idealdir. Küçük boyutlu baskılı devre kartı herhangi bir cihazın içerisine rahatça yerleştirilmeye olanak sağlar.

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